In the morning we couldn’t go to the mountain because it was raining and wet, so we stayed and watched a video about climate change. We liked the video but the person who was speaking spoke very hard so it was a bit complicated to understand everything. After the video we were separated into groups to make a poster about Climate Change, we made some slogans, and had some ideas of how we can stop or improve climate change.
Then we had mandarins for a snack, and we also played some sports because we had some free time. After snack time we went back to the big room to finish our posters and we all presented our work on climate change.
When we finished with the presentations, we had lunch, for lunch we had spaghetti with tomato sauce and chicken, it was tasty.
After lunch we went for a walk around Barria and Larrea, when we got back to the camp and had a snack, the snack fantastic because we had chocolate.
At night we are going to do a party but some people aren’t going to come.
Gaur altxatu eta gero gosaltzera joan gara. Geroago dantzatzera joan gara Timber abestia. Dantzatu eta gero ikusi dugu klima aldaketako bideo bat, taldeetan jarri gara eta poster batzuk hasi egin gara. Ondoren hamaiketakoa jan dugu eta jarraitu dugu posterekin. Bat batean silbatoa jo dute eta aurkeztu behar dugu posterra. Denbora pasa denean bazkaltzera joan gara. Bazkaldu eta gero joku batzuek egin dugu eta gero paseatzera joan gara, 5km egin dugu. Gero bueltatu gara eta askaria jan dugu. Orain dutxatu behar gara eta gauean afaltzera joango gara eta diskoteka bat izango dugu.
Hoy después del desayuno, como todos los días hemos bailado la canción de “Timber”. Después no hemos podido ir al monte ya que daban temporales de lluvia, así que nos hemos quedado en el alberge haciendo posters sobre el calentamiento global. Mas tarde hemos comido. Después de terminar hemos preparado unas presentaciones sobre algo que nos guste para el día siguiente presentarlas ante todos. Al terminar el taller hemos ido a dar un paseo hasta un pueblo cercano. Al volver nos tenían preparada la merienda, que era pan con chocolate. Ahora vamos a ducharnos, cenaremos y a la noche tenemos la fiesta de despedida.
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