Friday, 21 February 2020



In the morning we woke up at half past 7. We were very tired and sleepy! We had breakfast at 9 o’clock, we had biscuits, and chocolate milk. After breakfast we danced to Timba, and then, we changed our boots, because we were going to go to the mountain for three hours, we saw a small waterfall and we took some water from it,  we also visited Araia. After the mountain we come back and we had paella and chicken for lunch. Then we made a libdup with the song “High hopes”, we participated all the people, and it was very funny.After the libdup the had the Nutella snack. Half an hour later we started making the presentations for tomorrow, for example, about videogames, history, sports, inventions… Then, we made a little game, with George, Jack and Louis.
Now, we’re making the blog and after the shower and the free-time we’re going to have dinner. After dinner we’re going to have the farewell party.

Gaur goizean lehenengo gosaldu dugu eta gero dantza bate gin dugu timber abestiarekin. Geroago autobusa hartu dugu eta Araiako mendira joan gara. Mendian ur jauzi bat ikusi dugu eta mandarina bat jan dugu. Bueltan, bazkari bezela paella jan dugu. Arratsaldean lipdub bate gin dugu eta hori eta gero joku batera jolastu dugu. Jokuan hiru taldetan banatu gaituzte eta talde bakoitzak bizitza batzu zituen. Kasilletara mugitu behar ginen bizitza gehiago lortzeko eta bomba bat topatzeko.Orain dutxatzera goaz eta gauean diskoteka bat eukiko dugu.

Hoy nos hemos levantado a las 8. Hemos desayunado y después hemos hecho el baile como todas las mañanas. Luego hemos ido de excursión a la montaña de Araia y hemos visto el nacimiento del rio. Al volver hemos comido paella y pollo. Después de comer hemos preparado el lipdub y hemos merendado bocadillo de Nutella. Mas tarde hemos preparado las presentaciones y hemos hecho un juego. Ahora nos vamos a la ducha y luego tenemos discoteca.

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