Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Second day already done!!!!!

Nos despertamos a las 8.00 para prepararnos e ir a desayunar. Despues fuimos a bailar con los monitories. Tuvimos un pequeno descanso de 5 minutos y empezamos un taller. Nos pusimos a almorzar y volvimos a hacer dos talleres seguidos, al terminar nos dieron tiempo libre. Tras comer, fuimos al bosque e hicimos un experimento. Al llegar merendamos, y luego haremos una actividad llamada Dragon's Den, tomaremos una ducha y haremos un karaoke. Today , in the morning we got up and then went to have breakfast. After breakfast we danced with the monitors, and after we went to do some workshops. In the workshops played hang man with Beth and with Larisa played who is who, with Laura we played pass the bomb. After the workshops we went to have lunch, we had lentils and meatballs. In the afternoon we did an experiment about pollution and poster about what to bring to the mountain. We also went to the forest and we played capture the flag. When we arrived back at the Albergue we had snack for 30 minutes which was a Jamon Serrano sandwich. At night we are going to do karaoke we are going to have a lot of fun. gaur 8etan esnatu gara, jantzi gara eta 9etan gosaltzera joan gara. Gailetak eta esena gosaldu ditugu. Geroago, hortzak garbitu ditugu eta 9>45etan dantza egin dugu. Hori eta gero jolas bat egin dugu eta hamaiketakoa jan dugu. Ostean beste bi jolas egin ditugu. Ondoren, denbora librea eta gero bazkaldu dugu. Arratsaldean esperimentu bat egin dugu eta paseotxo bat eman dugu basoan, eta joko bat ere jokatu dugu. Gero Dragon-s Den jokua jolastu gara eta denbora librea daukagu. Dutxatu eta gero, afariko dugu eta karaokean abestuko dugu.

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